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Quick Start Guide MP Dual Extruder

Safety Warnings & Guidelines: 

Please read the user manual before using this device, paying extra attention to the safety warnings and guidelines.

Quick Start Guide

The MP Dual Extruder Printer does come Pre-assembled and is almost ready to print, this guide is to assist you in getting the printer up and running for the first time.

Please open the package and verify the package contents; if any items are missing, please contact the Technical Support Team for further assistance. Package should include the following:

  • MP Dual Extruder Printer
  • 1x Lid
  • Tool Box
  • USB Cable
  • 2x Build Tape
  • 1x Leveling Card
  • 2x Spools of Filament
  • 2x Spool Holders
  • 2x Side Panels
  • AC Power Cord
  • 1x Accessories Kit
  • User Manual


  • Attach the Extruder Assembly on top of the girdle with the two fans facing the front of the printer.
  • Secure the extruder assembly to the printer’s girdle with the supplied 2x M3x12 screws. You will insert from below the assembly on both sides of the girdle (Shown as figure 2, on page 19 of the User Manual).
  • Use the supplied M2.5 Allen Wrench to unscrew the two bolts holding the Turbofan to the extruder assembly.
  • Remove the Turbofan Baffle from the Extruder Accessories Kit and install it onto the Turbofan.
  • Place the Turbofan Assembly onto the Extruder Assembly and screw in the two bolts that were removed to take off the Turbofan originally. You will also need to use a M3x6 bolt from the Extruders Accessories Kit on the lowest portion of the fan assembly to complete the installation.


  • Now that the Machine is assembled, Power on the printer and go to the Tools Menu once the system has stabilized. Touch Level to enter the Bed Level menu.  The extruder and Build plate will now move to their home locations.
  • Once the assembly has stopped moving, use the Supplied Leveling Card; slide it in between the nozzle and the build plate.
  • You will move the card back and forth continuously while simultaneously adjusting the screw knob until the nozzle causes slight friction on card.
  • After that has been finished press Next, and the extruder assembly will move to the second position. Repeat the leveling process just like the previous step with the same amount of friction.  
  • Press Next, and repeat the leveling steps just as before.
  • Here you will press the Next button again, and the Extruder assembly will now move to the center of the bed, and you will double check the gap between the center of the bed and nozzle with the leveling card. You will want to slowly adjust all knobs the same amount if any adjustment is needed. 
  • Touch Finished to complete the leveling Process.

Loading the Filament

  •  Now that the Leveling Process is complete, the next thing you will do is pre-heat the nozzle so that filament can be fed into the extruder.
  • insert the two rolls of filament into the printer on each of the sides. Using the supplied 2 Filament Spool Holders, they will insert through the roll of filament into the locking cap and you will turn the Spool Holder Counter Clockwise to lock in place. Repeat step for second roll.
  • Feed the filament into the supplied PTFE tubes inside the printer to guide the filament up to the Extruder Assembly.
  • You will now select Tools in the Main menu
  • Press the Filament button, then select Load Left. 
  • The printer will now begin preheating the nozzle to the default loading target temperature. The printer will alert you once this has been achieved. 
  • Load the filament by inserting it into the extruder assembly marked “Left”.
  • Filament will begin to extrude out of the nozzle. Continue loading to ensure that the filament while extruding has a straight flow. *Refer to the troubleshooting steps in the user manual if the filament is extruding out the nozzle abnormally.
  • Press Done once this is complete and repeat the steps for the Right side.


  • Press the Print button on the Home Menu and select the Cat.gcode from the preloaded files on the SD Card.
  • *Adjustments may need to be made to the Bed Level Correction before prints are at the best quality. 
Choose files or drag and drop files